Just Bored Archives
See a secret...share a
secret...This is some pretty tough reading
The Dancing
Accidents do
of the World mpeg
Interesting Color Trick
DJ Darth Vader
Average on-board flight captain?
Worst Album Covers Ever
Dukes of Hazard
and the chickens answer back to chick-fil-A's no beef campaign?
For Sex Addicts
Read the guys sign in the back
Check out this Right
Brain/Left Brain Test
One Lion, 42 Midgets, What do you think happened?
How to dance like a white guy (2M)
HIlarious Bassin' Commercial - Long Download
This is for all the porn
freaks out there - Warning! You might want to turn the sound all the way down.
New Michael Jackson Video
Mr T and the reason why his singing career didn't work.
Star Wars Episode III -
Redone a little. Try and find the changes.
Search Urban terms, write your own definitions, vote on others
European dude with lot of free time!
This kid can dance - Dave "Elsewhere" Bernal
Some people don't listen. If there's a taser pointed at you, it's best, you do.
What were you doing on 12/15/2004? Well check these Big Wave surfers out
Dave Chappelle and President Black Bush
Fastest Video Gamer in the World!
Tidy up - IKEA commercial (2M)
Ever want your own personal bartender? Well here ya go.
Quick Thinker, Sticky Situation - 2mb (careful opening)
Ashley Simpson busted lip syncing on Saturday Night Live - Accidentally played the first track twice
How to play piano with your balls
One Star Wars Kid with Mad Skills
Good marketing! (takes a bit to download)
If you like animals, this video is a must! Well worth the download time!
I think this ninja really hurt himself
Will Ferrell as President Bush shoots it straight in this well put together commercial - Long Download, but well worth it
Dodgeball Cartoon Game. Test your skill
Bush and Kerry sing "This Land is My Land" together. Takes awhile to download
Can you count to Schfifty-Five
Surfer? Support a Surfer's Dream! Check these guys out
Try flying a Cartoon helicopter.
Super Greg is King of The Decks!! Don't miss the Video Section!
Honda Accord Commercial (Every Part is used)
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